Understanding Mpox: 10 Must-Known Facts About Mpox

Monkeypox, or Mpox, is a viral illness that has recently become a headline. This abnormal disease is caused by a virus of the same name, the Mpox virus, which usually affects rodents or nonhuman primates. But what’s the main issue? This disease, closely related to smallpox, can now occur in humans. For many years, this […]
12 Secret Tips To Lose Weight In Ramadan

Happy blessed Ramadan to all my Muslim readers. It’s that holy month of the Islamic year again where we will be fasting for long hours and worship, and taking care of health is also worship. This is the perfect time to make significant changes to your lifestyle by losing weight. During fasting your metabolism will […]
A Purification Journey: How 30 days of fasting cleanses the body?

Fasting holds profound significance across different religious beliefs, symbolizing spiritual purification and physical detoxification. In Islam, the month of Ramadan is a special time for Muslims to engage in a 30-day fast. This practice isn’t just an act of obedience but also a journey toward cleansing both body and soul. Fasting in Ramadan provides a […]
Why You Shouldn’t Have Dinner After 9 p.m.

Is it bad to eat late after 9 pm? This is an important question scientists raised. Everyone is conscious about their health, especially physical health. The importance of what we eat in our daily lives has more significance than we think. A scientific study finds a potential connection between eating dinner after 9 pm and […]
15 Most Common Skincare Blunders: How To Fix Them

Are you one of those who continuously do skincare like crazy and hoping to achieve an Insta-worthy glow? Let me tell you one thing even best intentions can be reversed if we are making some common skincare mistakes. We think that we are doing well but sometimes instead of getting a radiant glow, we end […]
Nature’s Tiny Warriors: Health benefits of dry fruits

Are you feeling the winter chill? Don’t reach for that extra layer of blankets just yet! Instead, equip yourself with nature’s secret winter warriors: dried fruits. You will be surprised to know the amazing health benefits of dry fruits. From antioxidant champions to vitamin and mineral marvels, these tiny titans are ready to defend against […]
How do peanuts protect health, and boost energy in winter?

Do you ever find yourself in a winter slump, feeling like you’re hibernating with the squirrels? Feeling sluggish and unable to shake off that constant sniffle throughout the day? As the winter sunsets early and temperatures drop, our energy levels often decrease accordingly. The desire for comfort food kicks in, motivation becomes a struggle, and […]
The Silent Menace: Unraveling Poliovirus Causes and Symptoms

Have you ever felt trapped inside your own body? For millions, that fear wasn’t a nightmare but a chilling reality of poliovirus. Poliomyelitis. The word, heavy with history, echoed through muted medical halls for generations. In just two syllables, a ghostly presence haunted stolen movement and stifled lives. But beyond the cold statistics and historical […]
Beijing is facing Children’s respiratory Illness due to post covid

After controlling COVID-19, Beijing and Northern China have faced rigid growth in respiratory illness due to post Covid in children caused by HV.1, another Omicron XBB variant. It is the country’s first winter breakdown after recovering from Covid-19. The devastating wait time and constantly increasing cases among kids have caused global worry, demanding alertness calls. […]
Detailed description of HV 1: A New Covid Variant

In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, a new player has shown up, capturing attention and sparking concerns among scientists and health officials alike. HV.1, a new variant of Covid, has emerged, introducing an additional layer of complexity to our ongoing efforts to grasp and address the virus. In this blog post, we take a deep […]